basement conversion London

Basement Conversion Costs You Must Consider

We are in an age where space is premium making converting your basement a valuable way to add extra living space. Converting your space below ground is a fantastic way to really gain space from your basement. You may not have the opportunity to convert a great deal of space above ground, but even if you do; a basement conversion gives you the largest potential space usually covering the entire footage of your building. Each conversion is unique and costs can vary, but below are some things you may need to consider if haven’t already.

Before deciding what you want from your basement conversion, you need to look at what you have to work with. The cost varies depending on how much work needs doing on the conversion and how much of a usable space is already there. The following points are essential to consider for your conversion and will impact your budget / basement conversion costs..


What height space is there? If headroom is minimal you may need to look into getting a survey completed to see if you could potentially add full height space by digging below. The majority of basement conversions don’t need planning permission, but if you are looking at adding height space you may need to apply for planning as it can be classed as an extension to the property. Obtaining planning permission will add cost, as will the digging work, but will be worth it to make the most of your space.


Is the space damp proof? Damp and waterproofing need to be completed whilst also taking into account your relevant project requirements. This is essential and, if not already completed within your space, it must be considered in your basement conversion costs.


What access do you have? If you require external access this can significantly bump up the cost. You need a viable escape route to ensure your safety. Light wells that are external can add a way to escape in an emergency. You need a space large enough that a person can escape through; this would be called an egress window and is essential for your safety. There are space requirements to adhere to too; the window can’t be obstructed in any way that you may not be able to escape a fire or any other emergency. You may need to add a larger window than you already have. Consider this when adding up your cost as it will bump up the total, but the financial extra is worth your safety.

Basement conversion costs can vary significantly depending on what you have to work with. The design and installation of your basement must include considerations of safety. To get your desired basement conversion work with professional installation and design means you get the benefit of advice in how to add the most value to your home. At the same time, you can enjoy peace of mind that safety requirements will be considered. Our specialists in basement design will take on board your style and personal preferences adding their innovative ideas and knowledge to get the best results for you.

The cost can vary significantly depending on what you have to work with. Before you begin your conversion ensure you consider all factors to maximise your investment and add a functional wow factor to your home. Significantly add value to your home and make the most of the space below covering the footage of your building.